Clean and fresh air is fundamental to life. With every purchase you make, you support a clean environment and contribute to the planting of trees.
Manufactured with green energy
It is important for us that the energy we use to produce our products is green. Sphagnum Botanicals products are produced using exclusively solar power.
Towards environmentally friendly packaging
We work every day to make our packaging more natural. Our goal is to use 100% biodegradable packaging in the future.
Ettevõte viis läbi tootearenduse koostöös TLÜ teadlastega, projekt “Kehahooldustoodete arendus” nr 2014-2020.4.04.22-2289 on rahastatud Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni sihtasutuse poolt Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest. Toetuse summa oli 6000€.
The company conducted product development in cooperation with scientists from Tallinn University under the project “Development of Body Care Products,” number 2014-2020.4.04.22-2289, which is funded by the Estonian Entrepreneurship and Innovation Foundation from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund. The grant amount was 6000€.
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