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Sphagnum Botanicals turbašampoon salitsüülhappega on saanud Rahvusliku Psoriaasi Liidu tunnustuse kui psoriaasi jaoks ohutu ja tõhus vahend. See tunnustus tähendab, et see šampoon on läbinud ranged testid ja uuringud, mis näitavad, et see aitab leevendada psoriaasi sümptomeid ja parandada naha tervist. Rahvusliku Psoriaasi Liidu tunnustus antakse ainult valitud toodetele, mis vastavad kõrgeimatele kvaliteedi- ja ohutusstandarditele ja see märk on samuti meditsiiniringkondades hästi tuntud ja austatud ning näitab, et see šampoon on psoriaasi ravi ja hoolduse tipptase.


Developed by dermatologist

The Sphagnum Botanicals brand was created by three friends in collaboration with dermatologists and universities.


The wonderful effect of peat has been known in Scandinavia for centuries, but various researches have also confirmed its excellent results in the treatment of psoriasis.


Inspired by the results of research and a friend’s miraculous psoriasis recovery after the peat procedure, the decision to create Spgagnum Botanicals was made.


All our products are hypoallergenic and natural, manufactured to high standards in Northen Europe


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